School of Data is structured as a network because we believe in the necessity of empowering of local actors to build and train the communities they know and live with. This is why you will not find a calendar of events on our website: most trainings are managed by our local members themselves, and announced on their own website, that you can find in our “Who we are” page.
That said, the Coordination Team and local members can often be found running workshops together at various international events throughout the year. Those events are:
- The International Journalism Festival, in Italy in April
- The Data Literacy Conference, in France in September
- The International Open Data Conference, in October
- AbreLatam/ConDatos, in Latin America, in November
Our local members are active in Africa, Latin America and Europe. If you are not within the area of activity of one of our local member or unable to join the international events we participate to, don’t despair! Send us a message and we’ll discuss the best way we can help you.